JM Renewable Energy - шаблон joomla Новости
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The renewable energy resources are considered as key to combat climate change, reduce our dependency on fossil fuels and increase access to energy in the more remote areas.

Using the experience of its companies gained during the course of the years, the Group carries out the design national and international energy systems.



In particular has as final recipients the public and private institutions of the sub-saharan countries of Africa (in particular of the Democratic Republic of the Congo), of the countries of Latin America and the Balkans.


In particular, the S. E. R. deals with:

  • Analyzes the territory and to examine the cards specific techniques (consumption of energy, solar radiation, etc. ), relating to the system of energy to implement, by identifying the possible types and combinations to take, where you can use renewable energy sources;
  • Performs a series of evaluations, to choose the technology more appropriate(wind, solar, biomass, etc. ) as a function of the territorial context, urban or agricultural;
  • Develop a conceptual design , in which are defined the technological characteristics of the system of renewable energy to implement: machinery, size, power, etc;
  • Develops the study on the environmental impact of installationsof renewable energy;
  • Develops the final executive design  , also taking into consideration economic investments necessary;
  • Carries out the function of support in the accomplishment of public tenders, defining the design specifications and criteria of compliance to quality and safety standards;
  • It occupies to obtain the necessary permissionsto the institutions of the monitoring and control
  • Manages and follows the direction of the site for the constructionof the plants;
  • Care, for part of its jurisdiction and the monitoring of the correct operation of the new plants.


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